
Showing posts from April, 2011

Stained Glass Table

- By Alicia C. The successful completion of a stained glass table - I designed the tabletop (as far back as 2009 it was finished) and the commissioning owners hired a talented furniture artist to build the table around it. I think it looks great, but it'd be easier to tell that this was the case if I were looking at it. Unfortunately, Cincinnatti is somewhat far away. I would love to have another commission like this. However, just the tabletop part takes something like 40 hours. Food for thought re. pricing possibilities.

Faith Without Works is Dead

St. James said:” ...if a person with gold rings and in fine clothes comes into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, 'Have a seat here, please,' while to the one who is poor you say, 'Stand there,' or 'Sit at my feet,' have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?...Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the Kingdom that He has promised to those who love Him? But you have dishonored the poor... Is it not the rich who oppress you? Is it not they who drag you into court? ...judgment will be without mercy to anyone who has shown no mercy... ” (James 2:2-7). Those who are vying for the elimination of funding for programs that benefit the poorest and less fortunate among us (repealing health care reform, defunding Planned Parenthood, silencing NPR, slashing public education, even cutting a...