Double Bee Farm's planting party

Planting party in Conyers, GA!

What a great thing to be a part of; sustainable community agriculture. And the sort of volunteering experience that seems more like a holiday.

My parents out that way purchase stuff from them all the time - everything from goat cheese logs to shitaake mushroom spore-treated logs, to a large variety of vegetables, baked goods - you can even buy your own herd of African Pygmy Goats from these folks!

Mysteriously enough, they don't seem to have a website, but they can be followed on twitter: @doublebeefarm

I just wanted to give everyone an update about the Planting Party Sunday. It is still on rain or shine. We plan to start as early as your can make it. I will be working from dawn till done….
We are going to transplant, plant garlic and even seed some beds.
We do need all the help we can get. It only takes about 20 minuets to transplant a flat but we got 20 flats + 45lbs of garlic, onions and lots of seeds.

Our address is 915 Lake Stone Lea Dr.
Oxford, 30054. Our home number is 770-787-5805. My cell number is 404-456-4333.
Google has us pegged. I will put a small Honey for sale sign up at the mailbox.
Thank you and see you Sunday,


  1. Planting went swell! They got a lot of garlic, onions, and lettuce on the ground, in spite of the rain! Still a lot to be done, because the turn-out wasn't too good, but every little bit helps.


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