Never enough time

Where does time go when we want to get things done? It's there, but I choose not to take advantage of it. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a scatter-brain that gets easily distracted with clutter of the mind. I start a project, don't finish it, get frustrated, go back to it, on and off, and so on.

I have TONS of books that I pick up every chance I get. I have great plans to read them, but I can hardly get through one every 6 months! I have several magazines that I like to read, that I've subscribed to, only to give them a quick once-over when they arrive and then save "for later."

I have many plans, but no follow-through. I keep thinking that maybe SOME DAY I'll really get through them and make progress on many fronts. But when?

This is how my weekdays go: 5AM get up, go to the gym; 8AM get to work; 5-5:30PM go home; 6PM get home, get dinner, sometimes go to the coffee shop and linger for a couple of hours (catch up on my reading :)), or stop by the grocery store; 7:30-8PM spend some time in my sewing room, or just flop on the bed if I'm too tired; watch a little TV while I do a little hand sewing, or flip through a magazine; 11-11:30PM lights out. Not a lot of time to do much of anything. Weekends are a free-for-all, and usually spend the time running around, but NOT accomplishing very many things.

An image of my father comes to mind. He used to collect crossword puzzle books to do "later, after he retired." He never got to them. Died before he had a chance to retire. Is this where I get it? Am I doomed by the same fate? Will my poor kids have to deal with all my unfinished "projects" once I'm gone? Gosh, I hope not!

Today is Friday, and this is how the weekend is beginning to shape:
- 6:30PM dinner out with Kurt
- 8:30 or so, get home and probably watch some of the pre-recorded stuff on TV (while I attempt to finish a hand sewing project I'm working on)
- 10AM: pick up Alicia, take Kitty to her new home (East Cobb)
- 12N: drop off Alicia and pick up desk @her house
- 1PM: get some lunch (somewhere, or at home--depending on what Kurt wants to do)
- 2-3PM: maybe to go Athens (I want to see a movie at the Ciné)
- 5PM: Movie at the Athens Ciné (maybe)
- 7PM: back home, have dinner, evening sewing (maybe)
Alternate afternoon plan:
- 3PM: go to Borders Snellville
- 7PM on: same as above
- 7:30AM: get up to go to church
- 9AM: church
- 10:30AM: home
no plans for the rest of the day. Maybe I can catch up on some work? Reading? I also should go over my Bible Study homework. AAAARRRGHHH!


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