The Magical Tree

We just planted a fig tree in our backyard. I've been wanting a fruit tree for a long time, but we couldn't find JUST the right one, until now. I wonder if my fig tree will be magical too, and live up to the legends that I grew up hearing back in "the old country." There is a lot of lore in South America surrounding the fig tree, particularly tied to the feast of St. John on June 23. For instance, if one comes out on this particular night, and looks up at the moon at the stroke of midnight, and then looks at the fig tree, the tree will blossom right before your eyes. Whoever owns the flower of a fig tree will be blessed with good fortune. If one gets under a fig tree during the night of June 23, they will instantaneously be to  able to play the guitar. It is also said that it blossoms during the eve of Good Friday with only one flower that is supposed to be very lucky. But some say that not only will this one flower blossom on this night, but that also the Devil will appear at the same time. This can also happen on Xmas eve, according to some. There are many that ascribe evil powers to the fig tree. Once when I was a little girl I fell asleep under a fig tree and I woke up very sick. Nobody could say what it was, but the truth is that ended up staying home from school for several days, sick as a dog. I'm not superstitious though, and I love figs!

Does anybody else know any more legends about the fig tree? And where did they originate?


  1. when I lived in Los Andes our housekeeper, Lola, has a fig tree in her back yard. She would tell me about all the things you mention above, but definitely she ascribed to the Devil. She also said the Devil wore a poncho like a huaso, has a straw hat, his face was featureless and black as night (not as skintone, IE African descent, but India Ink black) and his eyes were big as saucers, and white, with no pupils. She said she saw the devil once, and that's why she knows


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