I'm tired too...
This is in response to an email I got today. Another one of those emails that people just casually broadcast to everyone in their address books, subjecting all to these random and unsolicited "insights." There are always two sides to every coin; two points of view. Nobody has the privilege of possessing absolute truth. Of one thing I'm sure: no matter who is "up there" running the place, we, the underlings down below have a moral duty to become informed and reach our OWN conclusions regarding all the important issues. We must not allow others (e.g., the moneyed, the consultants, the ad buyers, and the power brokers) do the thinking for us. We must NOT become useful fools, or clay in the hands of ruthless, unprincipled anti-patriots who find fertile ground among those who let themselves be swayed by the foaming-at-the-mouth, anti-government, pro-corporate mouthpieces who are moved solely by their own selfish interests. Instead of whining about the sad state of ...